Recognizing the symptoms of a heating repair problem can help prevent the need for costly equipment replacement in the months ahead.
To help you save money in heating your home, ourSalem heating and air conditioning experts explain common signs of a repair issue within your heating equipment.
Salem heating and air conditioning expert
Four Ways to Know You Have an HVAC Problem
Rising Bills
With heating costs rising across the country, you might not recognize an extra dollar or two on your bill as a significant issue. But if you have an equipment problem, your heating costs will rise significantly in a short amount of time. If you notice a rise of 20 to 50% or higher from one month to the next, call Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning, your local Salem heating and air conditioning expert, to inspect your heating system.
Loud Noises
If you hear loud noises when the heater is running, this could indicate a component issue. Often these loud noises are associated with a motor problem such as a damaged belt. Metal scraping sounds coming from your furnace may relate to a problem with the interior ball bearings. Prompt action can often be the difference between a minor repair and an expensive issue.
Limited Heat
If the heater isn’t producing the required amount of heat to bring comfort throughout the home, then you should consult an expert as soon as possible. Whether the issue is a blockage preventing a high volume of air from entering the system or an improperly sized furnace, your local experts can help guide you and quickly source the problem.
Regular Required Repairs
As your heating system ages, you’re likely going to spend more money on maintenance each year to keep the equipment running to its peak performance. But experiencing several repair issues in a short space indicates a major heating equipment problem. The problem could relate to a previous repair not being completed effectively. Or the system could simply be failing due to age. A qualified Salem heating and air conditioning professional can help evaluate the unit and provide clear guidance on the steps ahead.
Contact Melton Heating & Air Conditioning Today!
Melton Heating & Air Conditioning’s team has decades of hands-on experience providing heating repair guidance in homes throughout Salem. For more information about heating system repair options, please contact us now for your repair.
It’s no surprise that your HVAC requires period maintenance, like most machines. However, did you know that the more maintenance it receives, the more efficient it will be and the longer it will last? It’s true. By implementing a period maintenance plan, you can get the most out of your heating and cooling equipment.
In addition to hiring an HVAC specialist, you can also perform your routine checks each month, inspecting your system for things like:
That there are at least two feet of space between the indoor components of your HVAC system. Allows your indoor unit to be able to get as much air as possible.
Remove shrubs, branches, leaves, and other things from your outdoor unit that can potentially cause an exhaust fan block.
Your air filters: if they are not clean, replace them. Clean filters increase your HVAC unit’s efficiency.
Leaks in your HVAC unit’s refrigerant lines may not be apparent
2. Perform Seasonal Maintenance Checks
You should also have a licensed HVAC specialist to perform seasonal maintenance checks so they can:
Inspect its fan blades for proper operation.
Clean and replace its air filters if needed.
Clean its condenser and evaporator coils.
Check all of its heating and cooling components.
Inspect its electrical wiring.
Check your ductwork.
Check the refrigerant of your system.
Replace any worn parts.
Dust off any snow accumulated around your AC unit during winter.
3. Perform an Annual Inspection
Last but certainly not least, having your HVAC unit inspected annually will ensure it’s running safely and efficiently. Technicians will check your HVAC system and replace any carbon monoxide detectors if you have them. They will also make sure all of your HVAC unit’s components are properly lubricated and clean its condensation drain line.
HVAC technicians will also inspect your outdoor unit to make sure it’s been installed on level ground.
For more about HVAC repairs and installations, contact us!
If you need HVAC repairs or maintenance, contact the team from Melton’s Heating & Cooling today online or call (503) 378-7428.
Even during the hottest days of summer, your air conditioning unit can still freeze up, causing significant issues if it’s not repaired quickly by an AC unit repair team. As one of today’s leading air conditioning installation crews, we’ve seen it a million times. That’s why we wanted to give you some tips on how to avoid having your AC freeze when you need it most.
Dirty Air Filters
One of the most common problems when it comes to freezing AC units is a dirty and blocked air filter. The lack of airflow caused by the filter makes it impossible for cold air to escape your evaporator coils, causing an ice buildup. To fix this, stay on top of changing your air filters regularly.
Low Thermostat Setting
Having an extremely low thermostat setting can increase the likelihood of condensation and ice buildup. If you think this is the case with your air conditioner, running the fan will help melt that ice. However, you may consider cleaning your AC unit and keeping it at a slightly higher temperature for a more permanent solution.
Running Your AC Unit on Colder Nights or During Winter
Air conditioners are great because they help dehumidify the air. However, when you run it during the winter months, you risk having it ice over because of the lower temperatures. Often freezing occurs because there’s not enough warm air present to prevent its evaporator coils from freezing.
Consider investing in a humidifier if this is happening to you; nowadays, some air conditioners come complete with humidifiers. You can also avoid using your air conditioner on frigid days.
Low Refrigerant Levels
Your air conditioner relies on refrigerant to keep air cool, but lower refrigerant levels in your system cause the coils to have extremely low pressure and be more prone to freezing. If you suspect you have low refrigerant levels due to a leak, contact an HVAC technician immediately.
Contact us today for more about air conditioning installation and repairs!
To schedule an HVAC inspection or repair visit, contact us online today or call (503) 378-7482.