Four Advantages of Using Electric Invert Heating in Your Home
Finding ways to keep your home feeling warm during the winter months is always a top priority. One of the best ways to warm your house is to invest in electric invert heating. This innovative heating method uses a “flash injection” to enable a heat pump to produce superior heating throughout your entire home. Electric invert heating is especially beneficial in colder climates, as it allows for higher compressor heating speeds without causing any additional strain on your unit.

Here are a few more reasons to consider investing in electric invert heating for your home.
1. Consistent Room Temperature
One of the advantages of electric invert heating is that it provides a consistent room temperature. On the other hand, conventional heat pumps often cause temperature fluctuations, making it difficult for you to stay comfortable in your home. An INVERTER-driven heat pump will self-adjust, which allows you to remain comfortable at all times, even if the outdoor temperature is extremely cold.
2. Energy Efficient
Another reason to consider using electric invert heating is that it helps you reduce your utility bill each month. An INVERTER-driven system will produce the right amount of hot air to keep your home comfortable without producing too little or too much. These energy savings can quickly add up over time and save you a significant amount of cash.
3. Quickly Heat Your Home
An additional benefit of an electric invert heating system is that it allows you to warm your home to the desired temperature quickly. The high rotation speeds of an INVERTER-driven system make it possible to quickly and efficiently heat your home to ensure you stay comfortable.
4. Avoid Spikes in Energy Usage
One of the main drawbacks of using a traditional unit is the spikes of energy use once a compressor starts. However, you can easily avoid this problem using a variable-capacity heat pump, as it uses less energy than a traditional HVAC system.
Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning is a family-owned business offering HVAC services for a wide range of customers. Our goal is to help keep your home feeling comfortable while maximizing energy efficiency. We have over 30 years of experience in the industry, as our team members are always happy to answer any of your questions.
Feel free to reach out to Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning today to learn more!