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Posts Tagged ‘air conditioning installation salem OR’

AC unit repair Melton's Heating & Air Conditioning

What Should I Do if My Furnace Fails?

What Should I Do if My Furnace Fails?

A properly-installed and well-maintained furnace should be able to last many years before failing, usually around 15-20. However, accidents can happen, and even reliable furnaces can have a sudden breakdown. If this happens in the winter, it’s important to know what to do, because a house without heating can become dangerous.

The first thing you should do is call for a heating furnace repair service, and hope they can get there as soon as possible. Here are some tips for dealing with broken heat in the winter.

Keeping Warm When Your Heat Goes Out

1 – Block cold air flow

If your heat goes out, try to preserve what heat is in the house. Close the blinds, and if possible, drape blankets over the windows and doors to add insulation. If you have drafty spots, such as the bottoms of doors, push towels into the cracks to prevent cold air from getting in.

2 – Use alternative heaters

If you have space heaters, or a fireplace, you’ll be in decent shape. These can keep you warm in a pinch, at least warm enough that there’s no health danger. However, be aware that space heaters can use a lot of power. Be careful not to overload your outlets or circuit breaker. The last thing you want is the power going out alongside the furnace outage.

If you don’t have those, heating pads or heated blankets can also be valuable sources of warmth.

3 – Run hot appliances

This is a stopgap and wastes a lot of energy, appliances such as your oven or clothes washer can generate quite a bit of heat. Spending a day with your family huddled around the oven or stove isn’t much fun, but it’s better than being freezing cold.

One warning: do not do this with a gas-powered oven. This can lead to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide getting into your home. The same is true of any other gas-powered appliances, such as grills.  However, it’s safe with electric or wood-fired appliances.

4 – Protect your pipes

People often forget about the possibility of pipes freezing when the heat goes out, but it’s a serious concern. If the pipes freeze, they could burst, and only add to your problems.

So while you wait for the heating furnace repair crew to arrive, open up all the cabinets and other doors leading to exposed pipes, such as under the sink. If you have a space space heater, keep it running near vulnerable pipes. Also, turn on all the faucets so that they’re dripping just a little. The flowing water is harder to freeze.

If your heat goes out in the winter, it can be dangerous, so don’t wait to call for furnace repair. Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning provides excellent affordable furnace repair and replacement services across the Salem, OR area. Whenever you need help with your heating, just give us a call and we’ll be there ASAP.

AC repair

Deciding Between AC Unit Repair or Replacement in Salem, Oregon

Deciding Between AC Unit Repair or Replacement in Salem, Oregon

When your AC unit starts acting up, it can be challenging to tell whether to repair or replace it. This decision is crucial as it impacts comfort, long-term financial planning, and energy efficiency. As your air conditioner faces issues, understanding whether a quick fix or a complete replacement is the best route can save you from future hassles and unnecessary expenses.

In this guide, our technicians at Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning, a reliable HVAC contractor in Salem, Oregon, explore critical factors to consider when facing the decision between AC unit repair and replacement. After reading this guide, you’ll have the information to determine the most cost-effective and efficient path forward.

Assessing the Condition of Your AC Unit

  • System Age and Expected Lifespan

The age of your AC unit dramatically influences the decision to repair or replace your unit. Generally, if your system is between 0 and 9 years old, it’s likely that repairs can extend its life, and you might not need to replace the unit. Systems that are 10 to 13 years old are in a gray area as they may still function well with routine maintenance, but they are also at risk of more frequent breakdowns. AC units that are 14 to 20 years old or more are often at the end of their lifespan and likely need replacement.

  • Analyzing Repair Costs vs. Replacement Benefits

When thinking about the costs involved, it’s helpful to use the repair cost as a base compared to the cost of a new AC unit. If repairs cost less than 50% of the price of a replacement and your system is under ten years old, an AC unit repair might be the more economical choice. However, when repair costs exceed the 50% threshold, especially for older systems, investment in a new unit often makes more financial sense.

  • Frequency of HVAC Failures

The reliability of your AC unit plays a crucial role in this decision. If your unit has been performing well with minimal issues, a sudden breakdown could be easily remedied with a repair. On the other hand, if you’re experiencing frequent problems that continue, these are signs that your AC unit is likely beyond practical repair and would benefit from replacement.

  • Indoor Air Quality

A properly working AC unit doesn’t just cool your home. It also improves indoor air quality by lowering humidity and reducing allergens like mold. In Salem, Oregon’s humid conditions, your AC unit is put to the test to both cool the air and extract moisture. This can strain your system over time, leading it to struggle with managing humidity levels. If you start to experience increased moisture and a drop in air quality, consider investing in replacing your AC unit rather than repairing it.

Efficiency Ratings and Energy Savings

  • SEER and AFUE Ratings

Efficiency ratings provide a clear picture of your AC unit’s performance. ACs with a SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) of 14 or higher and furnaces with an AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) of 80 or higher are generally considered efficient. Upgrading to a higher-rated unit for older systems with lower efficiency ratings can greatly reduce energy bills. For example, upgrading from a 12 SEER to a 16 SEER air conditioner can reduce your energy bills by as much as 25%.

  • Impact on Utility Bills

Monitoring your energy bills can also indicate the health of your AC unit. Stable or gradually increasing energy costs are expected. But sudden spikes often suggest your AC unit no longer works efficiently. If your energy consumption hasn’t increased but your bills have, consider replacing your AC unit with a more energy-efficient model.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Routine maintenance is essential for maximizing the lifespan and efficiency of your HVAC system. Tasks such as changing the air filter every one to three months, ensuring unrestricted airflow around outdoor units, and keeping vents clear are vital. Regular professional check-ups, ideally twice a year, are crucial in maintaining system health and efficiency.

What Happens During a Maintenance Appointment?

A comprehensive AC unit maintenance appointment involves a variety of tasks completed by HVAC technicians. We will thoroughly inspect your AC unit during the visit to identify any issues or necessary repairs. The technician will clean the unit to remove dirt, leaves, and other debris that accumulated throughout the year. In addition, key components of the unit, including the evaporator, condenser, compressor, and expansion valve, will be checked for potential problems. Refrigerant levels will also be checked and replenished as needed.

Contact Us for AC Repair or Replacement in Salem, Oregon!

Deciding whether to repair or replace your AC unit involves careful consideration of its age, repair costs, working condition, efficiency ratings, and overall impact on your energy bills. When you evaluate these factors, you can make the best decision that balances cost, comfort, and efficiency.

Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning is here to help you evaluate whether your AC unit needs repairs or a complete replacement. As a PGE-Approved Contractor, we assure you that you’ll get the right AC services for your needs. Our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction provide you with the guidance and services necessary to ensure your home remains comfortable all year round.

Contact us online at (503) 378-7482 to discuss your AC needs and explore our services in Salem, Oregon! We service Salem, Keizer, Silverton, and the neighboring areas.

AC unit repair Melton's Heating & Air Conditioning

Save on Air Conditioning Costs This Summer with These Tips

Save on Air Conditioning Costs This Summer with These Tips

Managing your home’s air conditioning becomes crucial as the summer temperatures increase. There’s a common belief that leaving the air conditioner on all day might be cheaper, even when you’re not home. While somewhat true, it’s essential to manage it wisely to avoid excessive energy use and increase your system’s lifespan.

Here, our technicians at Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning discuss strategies for running your air conditioner efficiently all summer long, keeping your home cool without breaking the bank.

Optimizing Your Thermostat Settings

The key to effective air conditioning is maintaining a consistent and moderate setting rather than drastically changing the temperature. Instead of turning off your AC when you leave and overloading it upon return, you should use it gradually; if you prefer a cooler temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit while at home, adjust the thermostat to about 79 degrees when you’re away. This keeps it from turning on and off excessively, which can use more energy and lead to quicker wear.

Cost-Saving Tips

Studies suggest significant annual savings on cooling by setting your thermostat 7 to 10 degrees higher for 8 hours each day. Use this strategy during the workday or at night to maximize efficiency. Additionally, take advantage of cooler evenings by opening windows to reduce air conditioner use and enjoy natural ventilation. Using a programmable thermostat can increase savings by ensuring that your air conditioner only runs when necessary.

Why Consistent Air Conditioner Operation is Preferable

Turning your air conditioner off might seem like a good way to save energy, but it can backfire. When your house warms up during the day, reintroducing cool air requires more energy as your system works harder to combat heat buildup and humidity. Keeping your air conditioner running at a moderated higher temperature when you’re away can prevent these extreme fluctuations.

When Temperature Control is Critical

While keeping your AC on throughout the day is cheaper, it’s only cost-effective if managed correctly. It’s recommended to maintain a higher indoor temperature that is close to outdoor conditions but still comfortable. Avoid drastically low settings like 60 or 65 degrees, as trying to maintain such a low temperature against high outdoor heat will overwork your AC and inflate your energy bills.

Get Expert Advice from Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning

“Seek professional advice to optimize your air conditioning system for the summer. The team at Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning is ready to assist with installation, repairs, and routine maintenance. We offer personalized advice on the optimal settings for your air conditioner. This will ensure immediate comfort, long-term savings, and a healthier system.”

Contact Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning for Installation, Repair, or Maintenance!

For expert air conditioning services that ensure a cool, comfortable, and cost-effective summer, contact Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning. Our PGE-Approved and NW Natural Preferred Contractors are here to provide top-quality service tailored to your needs.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We service Salem, Keizer, Silverton, and the neighboring areas.

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