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Posts Tagged ‘HVAC heating repair service’

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How to Save On Air Conditioning Costs This Summer

How to Save On Air Conditioning Costs This Summer

As summer temperatures soar, air conditioning has become an essential part of many households. However, the comfort of a cool home often comes with a hefty price tag in the form of increased electricity bills. The good news is that there are effective strategies to minimize these costs without sacrificing comfort.

Here, our team at Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning explains how understanding your air conditioner’s operation and making smart choices can lead to major savings.

How Air Conditioners Work

Contrary to popular belief, air conditioners don’t generate cold air. Instead, they cool existing indoor air by passing it through an evaporator coil and recirculating it. This process differs from typical air coolers that use outside air. Understanding this fundamental operation is crucial for optimizing your air conditioner usage and reducing energy consumption.

The Impact of Thermostat Settings

Many people believe that setting a lower temperature will cool a room faster. However, this isn’t the case. Your air conditioner’s thermostat monitors the room temperature and instructs the compressor accordingly. Setting a lower temperature simply means the compressor runs longer which consumes more electricity.

Factors Affecting Air Conditioner Energy Consumption

Several factors influence how much electricity your air conditioner uses, including:

  1. Indoor and outdoor temperature difference
  2. Thermal insulation of your home
  3. Air conditioner temperature setting

The larger the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors, the harder your air conditioner must work. Similarly, a well-insulated home requires less cooling which can lead to energy savings.

Smart Cooling Strategies

Utilize Ceiling Fans

Using ceiling fans in combination with your air conditioner can increase comfort while allowing you to set a higher temperature. This can lead to huge energy savings.

Avoid the ‘Quick Cool’ Trap

Many modern air conditioners come with a ‘Quick Cool’ feature that sets extremely low temperatures, often around 64 degrees Fahrenheit. While it might seem effective, it consumes excessive energy. Stick to a more moderate setting around 75 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal comfort and efficiency.

Understanding Older Air Conditioner Models

If you have an older air conditioner without a thermostat, it likely offers high, medium, and low cooling options. These settings adjust fan speeds but don’t control air temperature directly. While they impact comfort, they don’t affect efficiency.

Tips for Maximizing Air Conditioner Efficiency

  1. Regularly clean or replace air filters.
  2. Ensure proper insulation in your home.
  3. Use curtains or blinds to block out sunlight during the hottest parts of the day.
  4. Schedule regular maintenance for your air conditioning unit.
  5. Consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient model if your current air conditioner is old.

Contact Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning for Professional Air Conditioning Services!

While these tips can help you save on air conditioning costs, professional maintenance is key to ensuring your system operates at peak efficiency. At Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning, our expert technicians can provide complete air conditioning services, from routine check-ups to energy-efficient upgrades.

Contact us today to schedule a service and start saving on your cooling costs this summer!

Signs You Are Due for Heater Repairs or Replacement

As winter and fall approach, many homeowners will soon be powering up their heaters and furnaces to prepare for the cold. Scheduling your HVAC inspections and repairs before the winter is in full effect will allow you ample time to fix or replace your heater, so you don’t have to worry about your system breaking down mid-winter.  

That’s why Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning has collected a list of some common signs that it’s time to get your heater repaired as soon as possible.

Woman Feeling Cold at Home Checking the Thermostat. Call Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning…

1) Spike in Energy Bills

A malfunctioning heater may not be evident initially, but there will be sure signs that signify a possible problem. One common sign is a sudden rise in your heating bills. A heater with issues will be less efficient and burn more energy to produce the same heat. The extra energy consumption can cause a significant rise in your usual bill. If this happens, book a HVAC heating repair service.

2) Frequent Heater Repairs

It goes without saying that if your machine requires more and more repairs, it may be time to replace it. After all, not only will you spend more on heater repair, but your system will not be able to heat your house as well as a new system – so you’ll save money by installing a new one.

An average furnace or boiler has a lifespan of about 18 years. However, the exact timeline is subject to several factors like brand, usage, maintenance, etc. Simple repairs might be enough to resolve the situation if your heating unit is younger than ten years.

3) Malfunctioning Thermostat

If your thermostat is not working correctly, it could be more than just a simple malfunction. A problem that seems like a broken thermostat might very well be an issue with your overall heating system. So, if you’re frequently adjusting your temperature setting, it may be time to schedule an appointment with our team.

Get Top Quality Heater Repairs Near You

Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning is your one-stop solution to keep your home comfortable.

Get expert heater repair and replacement services at competitive prices. We also offer financing options for those who are looking for new systems and installation. Contact us today to learn more!

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